Immersive Publishing

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Publishing is NOT the end… the life of your now published book

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And now the book is written, it has been edited, improved, designed and produced. It now sits on warehouse shelves, retailers’ bookcases and is found at the leading online shops. Your once-was baby is now all grown-up and out on its own. Well, not really…

Now comes the longest and perhaps most challenging aspect of the publishing process. The initial publication is followed by the ongoing sale of the book to hungry readers. How can this journey be profitable for both author and publisher? Though the initial impetus for an author to write might simply be to get it out there, there comes a point where it becomes about getting it into the hands of as many as people as possible who would enjoy or benefit from it.

A movie actor’s work is not finished when the director says, “That’s a wrap.” Ahead of the stars lie TV and radio interviews, photoshoots, premieres around the world and an exhausting schedule of promotional appearances. They will forever(for both good and bad reasons) be linked to that movie—a permanent relationship exists.

Your book is now an adult, independent, venturing out into areas you may never have experienced. Your publisher ensures that the book is produced and available where it needs to be and that you receive the rewards of your labours based on the sales (royalties) as long as the book continues to be on the market (many, many years in most cases).

Though the book is in its adult phase it may still require your support, presenting it to new audiences, engaging with your readers to get them even more enthusiastic about sharing the message (and sales) of your book.

Today, perhaps more than ever before, building a receptive audience for your work is an ongoing process. Authors who effectively engage with current readers make them more enthusiastic advocates and promoters of the author’s work.

Some authors are only interested in the writing process. These writers are unlikely to have the willingness to let others take a look at their work and even more unlikely to get it published.

Some authors desperately want to get their book published as a sense of validation. They can go the self-publishing or vanity press route for this if they wish.

The genuine author clearly wants to write. The genuine author clearly wants the book to be published in its best possible form. What marks the successful, genuine author out from so many others is your passion for the readers. An understanding that all is for nothing if the people you wrote the book for are not finding it or reading it.

The publisher and genuine author want the same thing, not simply to publish the book but to ensure that it sells, only then can the mutual investment of time, resources and money bear a lasting fruit.

ACT NOW: Write down a clear description of your ideal reader. What do they look like, what are their interests or experience, why should they read your book? Draw up three simple ways you can start to share your ideas with these kinds of people even before your book is published: blog, twitter, youtube videos, etc.

Written by mpowrltd

November 7, 2014 at 10:47 AM

Getting ready for publication – getting ready to sell

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The third stage in the publishing process transforms the finished text into something which is unique, standing out and expressing itself most powerfully in the over-crowded book market. Design, Production and Publication mark the defining moments of this stage.

The design choices made by a publisher with the author are focused not simply on the words but on the entire experience of the reader. The typography (the structure and layout of the text) is designed so that the words are received by the reader effortlessly. Where imagery and illustrations can further lead the reader into the heart of the work they are crafted. And the all important look-and-feel of the physical book, the paper weight, the choice of cover type, size and format, all ensure that the title will feel right in the hands of your ideal reader.

When the book is almost ready for launch it will go through a final check; a glance in the mirror—the entire manuscript in its finished and designed form is checked again for errors and glitches. Only then can the physical production process be given the go-ahead.

For a successful transition from secondary school to the wider world a lot of preparatory work is undertaken. University applications, careers advice, work experience, etc., all create an atmosphere where the next step can be made confidently and wisely. Whilst all the design and production processes are underway there is also a growing focus on the strategy and implementation of a marketing and promotion strategy that both author and publisher can use to create the most receptive environment for the about-to-launch book.

And then… publication day!

ACT NOW: Get hold of a couple of books off your shelves that you particularly enjoy or find particularly helpful. Take a look at them, imagine what they would be simply as pages of A4 text and notice the value and impact the design and production decisions add to this experience. Write down some thoughts about how the design process could add to your own ideas.

Written by mpowrltd

November 4, 2014 at 2:45 PM

Your precious book in the hands of the publisher – polishing and perfecting

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Your child (book) is now in school—out of your control for much of the time. Handing over your child to be cared for, nurtured and inspired by others can be a traumatic experience for many parents. Yet, a school that nurtures strong bonds between parents and staff can instil confidence and enthusiasm in a parent that allows the child to flourish in ways the parent couldn’t have imagined. This is the key to the relationship with the publisher of your book.


The editorial process which a publisher runs through with a writer once their first draft is submitted occurs in three main areas: structure, style and secretarial.

The foundation of the three is reflection upon the title as a whole. This clarifies the strengths of the current manuscript and reveals the ways in which the overall structure and feel of the book might be adapted, tweaked and improved so that the reader is swept along to the destination most effectively.

When a child goes to school they encounter a curriculum that contains the essential or required information and skills, this is then presented by teachers and other staff through a timetable of classes, extra-curricular adventures and homework. The editorial overview is a parallel journey for your book.

Allowing the voice of the author, as well as the characters within, to sound clearly and consistently is the second primary focus. This looks at the way in which the plot/information/insight is presented to the reader on a macro level. How can your personality, your tone and your own voice be more effectively transmitted in the text? This is the experience of a child who discovers that a particular teacher really ‘gets’ them, understands what makes them tick, and guides them to pursue avenues they may not have spotted or didn’t feel themselves capable of.

Though many think of editorial work as checking for grammar or spelling mistakes this is less important than the others in terms of the overall quality of the work. However, it is still essential as nothing can derail a reader’s journey with an author faster than a series of glaring spelling errors or sentences or sections that confuse.

When a child learns in school they want to, and often need to, demonstrate their knowledge effectively (in essays, tests, etc.). This is where mechanical skills (letter-writing, sentence structure and spelling) allow the reader to simply flow with the intention of the author.

THINK NOW: When an author hands over their manuscript to the publisher, so the detailed editorial process can begin, it requires a certain willingness to let go for the good of the title. How able are you to do this and how will you decide the publisher is trustworthy?

Written by mpowrltd

October 31, 2014 at 9:35 AM

Writing your book: going from first idea to first draft

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Taking the first step with your book is the step that most people never take. They ruminate for ever on the book they could or should write but leave it purely as an idea that remains in a limbo-like state. Your book, however, begins with the decision to write and then getting it out onto paper or screen.

This step from fanciful idea to action seems to be the most challenging hurdle that prospective authors face. Your decision to move from inaction to action will generate enormous energy and raise many unfamiliar challenges as you step forward.

The desire to create something perfectly formed at this stage can kill the project whilst it is still learning to amble around and explore its environment. A preoccupation with less significant areas such as spelling or grammar can stifle the flow of creativity and risk-taking that is required for an engaging title. A lack of time to write when swallowed up in a hectic family or a demanding business can turn the enthusiasm around the idea into dread when the lack of progress is recognised. So how can the infancy of your book be a healthy, positive and creative experience?

You have three main options when you decide to get the ideas in your head out as words on paper.

The single parent: The most common route is to simply sit down and start to write. You may plan extensively beforehand, or not, as your personality dictates. You let the story or information flow out and take its own shape as you see fit.

The companion: An alternative route is to work with a coach. The coach’s role is to both build your confidence in your ability to write engagingly and to help structure and guide the evolution of the first draft.

The nanny: For those who perhaps are time-starved but cash-rich the third way is to employ the services of a ghost-writer. Someone with whom you discuss your ideas, your experience and your insight who then applies their professional writing skills to the project. They work in tandem with you throughout the process ensuring that your voice is clear in the finished text.

At the end of this period, no matter the route you have travelled, you have a first draft of your work. This may not be a beautifully crafted or polished piece of work, it may not be accurate in the secretarial dimensions of spelling or grammar, it may not be the book you set out to write. This is natural and is an essential element in the lifecycle of your book.

THINK NOW: Look at your lifestyle, your skills and confidence in writing, your resources (both time and money)—which route seems to be the most viable for your own book project?

Written by mpowrltd

October 27, 2014 at 1:27 PM

Don’t just write your book… get it published (what you need to know)

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Transforming your message from a vague idea or desire into a book that is available for others to read and enjoy is the publishing journey. This short series of five blog posts is designed to offer you a brief but comprehensive understanding of the main stages of the publishing process. Whether you plan on working with a grand traditional big publisher, an agile independent publisher (like mPowr!) or the self-print publishing model you should find the structure and information helpful. We begin with an overview and then more detailed explorations for each area follow in subsequent posts.

It is often said that everyone has a book in them. That book might be the magnificent story that has been bubbling in your imagination for many years, it might be your unique business experience and insight, or it may even be your own life story.

If you do believe there is a book in there somewhere it is likely that for 99.9% of the population this is exactly where it will stay… inside them… never told, never shared, never remembered. For the few who, like you, are compelled by their message success comes via the four stages of publishing.

Though the publishing world is full of technical processes and ancient jargon there are four fundamental stages in the publishing process. These may be likened to the four stages of human development.

Stage One: Creation – Infancy

Stage Two: Refinement – Childhood

Stage Three: Publishing – Adolescence

Stage Four: Ongoing – Adulthood

Creation – Your baby needs intense and constant attention, demanding nourishment, attention, action and inspiration. As you play with and craft your ideas they take shape and develop their own power and clarity: your book develops and begins to take its first tentative steps into the world.

Refinement – It is the first day at school and your beloved little one is temporarily placed under the care of others who are responsible for further refining, developing and shaping your beautiful baby. Forever your child, your book will also be richer for every caring eye and mind that sees new potential or spots dangers ahead.

Publishing – Time to head out into the big world. Everything lies ahead, each adventure is unknown, yet still everything is done to ensure that this once-was child can now venture forth in confidence.

Ongoing – Out in the big world your once-was adolescent is now stretching out, discovering new horizons and meeting lots of new friends. We are never truly alone in our journey and your book may still need encouragement, support and celebration along the way.

So, four stages of growth and development… the publishing journey…

THINK NOW: Today, think about the journey your own book idea has been on so far. Is it a tiny embryo still barely developed, are you ready to go through the birthing process, or is your book much more advanced?

Written by mpowrltd

October 22, 2014 at 11:11 AM