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Archive for the ‘Events’ Category

How Nought Two Share Ur Business Massage

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You take great care when meeting clients. You check that you look presentable, that you have all the essential information to hand and a clear understanding of what you want as a result of the meeting. At first all seems to be going well but then the client begins to cool off and nothing you do seems to be able to turn the situation around. As the meeting ends your desired goal is but a sad memory and, worst of all, you never did figure out what derailed the meeting.

Now let’s see what the client experienced.

In the midst of their busy day they’ve arranged to dedicate this time to your conversation, with the hope of a good result. First impressions are terrific. You arrived on time (in fact a respectful minute or two early). The pleasantries were very deftly negotiated and then the transition to the real purpose of the meeting took place smoothly. You introduced the solution to their problem knowing that it will transform their business.

And then it happened…

You picked up your brochure with detailed information about the service to illustrate a point you were making. You handed it to your client who seemed interested and skimmed over the page. There was a momentary glazing of the eyes and the client began to draw back, to retreat into objections and disinterest no matter what you did or said.

Any ideas?

They spotted a glaring error, something that jarred them out of rapport with you. A nagging doubt emerges in their mind—how can I trust the quality of their work, their service, or their product when they make such basic errors in their promotional material? If they don’t care about the words they use and the message they give why should they care about me and my business after they get the sale?

The trouble is that your client may not even be aware consciously of what has happened. They just know/feel/think that this isn’t quite as good as first thought and it won’t go anywhere.

None of us want to get involved in this kind of situation. This scenario isn’t just about meetings or printed brochures, it unfolds in many different ways. A copywriter’s website with a spelling mistake in the headline. The news site (article farm) on the web that churns out first lines that invariably look like: “There are many things which has to be considered”. You’ve seen this many times before and perhaps don’t even consciously pay attention. But does it affect your willingness to do business or trust the value of the content being shared?

How can you ensure that your written message, whether online or in printed material, enhances your personal presentation and promotes your business effectively?

In a few weeks I’m presenting “How nought two share ur bizness massage: Insider tips from the publishing world you can use to improve the clarity, the quality and the impact of your business’s message” at the 4N networking group in Camden. Please come along to get some ideas for your own business.

If you can’t attend on the 13th of August I’d be very grateful if you could share any amusing, aggravating or downright ridiculous mistakes that you have come across in a business context.

Oh, and for the first person who spots the deliberate mistake in this post… A special prize awaits…


Written by mpowrltd

July 5, 2014 at 5:16 PM

Being immersed in Ontario – VAEO revealed

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Standing on the glass floor of the observation floor of the CN tower in Toronto and looking down to the ground 342 metres below is certainly an … experience. Observing the reactions of my fellow tourists, there seemed to be three basic approaches: the ‘I’ve no need to prove anything by going and standing on that, and by the way it is much safer here on the ordinary floor’ group, the ‘I’m okay with heights and can look down easily…*@%$’ group or those who forced their shivering legs onto the awfully fragile transparent floor and got off again as swiftly as possible, whilst avoiding all downward glances like the plague.

Thankfully, the experience with VAEO at the SPARKS symposium, at the preview of the just released The Hive and Grove VAEO and the one-day ‘Introduction to Immersive Publishing’ event was as all-encompassing but in a much more pleasant way (though be warned, the forthcoming Tightrope VAEO may bring chills with it…). Watching attendees wander the corridors of The Walper Terrace Hotel as if mesmerised by the various triptychs situated around the conference site (headphones plugged in and smartphones playing the audio aspect of the enigmatic experience) brought a smile and a glint to the eye.

One thing we are noticing is that it takes a little while for newcomers to VAEO to get into the routine, to get comfortable with this new approach, but then on their fifth, sixth or seventh triptych there is a relaxing, an audible sigh and the eyes glaze over a bit as the experience begins to envelop them. As creators of the VAEO platform this is one of the most magical moments – one that shows the power of what is possible through Immersive Publishing – using books/posters/even t-shirts as gateways to realms of magical stories and enchanting encounters.

The fantastic group who participated in the one-day ‘Introduction to Immersive Publishing’ shared their own experiences of VAEO and the potential it offered to their own work as authors, creators and professionals. We are now working with many authors who are excited by the potential of Immersive Publishing and are eager to start designing their own Immersive worlds.

The CN tower just added a new terrorising experience – The Edge Walk – walking on the roof of the restaurant 116 storeys up. Perhaps it is time to offer them a VAEO, something that brings depth to all that height…


mPowr (Publishing) Ltd

Written by mpowrltd

September 1, 2011 at 10:56 PM